Creating Precious Memories through Scrapbooking: Father's Day 2008

Creating Precious Memories through Scrapbooking

A journey through pregnancy / infant loss to healing through the art therapy of scrapbooking.

Father's Day 2008

I have been sitting here trying to think of how I can simply express my gratitude for all dads today on Father's day. This can be as difficult a day for angel mommies as Mother's day. Often times, our significant others do not feel special enough to want to have a day just for them especially when they are the father of an angel with no LC (living children).

I can only imagine how difficult it must be for our significant others when they never got a chance to get to know the baby other than through those few months on the other side of the belly.

New Life by Willow Tree

After we lost Zackery, my mom once again made sure to recognize us on both Mother's day and Father's day.And while I don't think he quite appreciated the type of gift it was, (it was a girlie figurine afterall!), I do know he appreciated the thought my mom put into finding the gift for him

I found this poem while surfing the internet looking for Father's day poems that dealt with dads that lost a child. It is a beautiful poem that I just had to share it with you! If you are wanting to use it for yourself, be sure to ask permission first!

Father's Day

A gift for you on Fathers Day,
What on earth could it be?
I know the gift you really want,
Is to once again, have me.
Or perhaps the gift of understanding,
To make sense of a senseless loss.
I'm sorry, my dearest Daddy,
But for those gifts, you must talk to the boss.
The gifts that I can give today,
Are memories, both sad and sweet.
From the touch of your hand on Mummy's tummy,
To my tiny little feet.
Remember the joy you felt inside,
When you found out you would be my Daddy?
The great big smiles upon your face,
You were over the moon, you were so happy.
Remember when you felt me move,
The wonder and love you'd feel?
Remember it today Daddy,
It just might help you heal.
Remember the little cuddles we had,
And the moments that we shared.
Remember my little nose,
And the colour of my hair,
I love you dearest Daddy, you know that this is true.
Just keep your memories of me alive,
And I will always live in you.

©Sharon Swinney 1995

May not be reproduced without permission from Author.

I wish all the dads a very peaceful day. You deserve a day to celebrate being a father even if your child is an angel! May you feel your angel close to you today!


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At June 17, 2008 at 6:53 PM, Blogger Ter said...

I find it especially hard to find a father's day gift to represent our daughter to her daddy. Last year I got him a keychain enscribed with her name etc. This year I decided to buy him some "regular" things but I made him a bookmark that says DADDY on it. I think he likes it. It's hard to come up with things because like you said, figurines are girlie, and there's so many other things that can be given to the mother, not so much for the daddy.

I'm glad that your mom recognizes your loss, and that it is important to remember. I sure wish my family understood.


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